IBA Presents Rope: Flow & Speed Drills W/Midori

By Iron Bell Academy (other events)

Wednesday, April 25 2012 8:00 PM 10:30 PM EDT
This class will cover essential skills for fluid, effective and
graceful motion in tying. Great flow and speed skills add to dynamic
scenes with power emotional and play potential, increases confidence,
allows for greater creative thinking and connection with your

What to Bring:
Exercise partner. Each drill will happen twice so each person in the
pair will have an option to bind, or you may choose to bind twice.
This class is open to those who play at one or both ends of the rope.

Several ropes of varying lengths.
Safety scissors.
Scarf or blindfold.
Blanket, beach towel or yoga mat for floor

Requisite Skills:
Minimum - Basic two-column ties and a body harnesses.

Complimentary Drinks!

Doors Open at 7:30 PM
Class Begins Promptly at 8:00 PM

Must be 18 years of age